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Discover the Essentials of Mindfulness with This Workbook! Ever wondered what mindfulness truly is? It's about fully immersing yourself in the present moment, tuning out all that mental chatter. Far from just a "woowoo" concept, mindfulness is a powerful stress-reliever and health booster. Ready to explore how mindfulness can enhance your mental wellness? Let me guide you through the art of practicing mindfulness. Join me on this journey of growth! Come grow with me.

Mindfulness Workbook

  • Ayana Ali Coaching™2023-2026



© 2023-2026 by Ayana A. Ali, LCSW


No health care service, psychotherapy, or professional counseling of any kind is offered via this website. Information on the site should not be used in place of a call, visit or consultation with, or the advice of, a licensed healthcare or mental health professional. Please call or see a licensed healthcare or mental health professional for any healthcare- related questions or advice.

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